Vem decorrendo em São Vicente, Cabo Verde, a 2ª edição do Curso Avançado em Assuntos Marítimos, em parceria com a Universidade de Coventry (Reino…
Iniciou a 22 de maio o 2º Curso Avançado em Assuntos Marítimos, que assim como 1º curso está a decorrer em Mindelo, São Vicente, Cabo Verde, sob a coordenação do IEMAC- Instituto de Estudos da Macaronésia
The program was launched on September 20 with the course Law of the Sea taught by CTEN Ernestina Santos Silva, head of the juridical department of the Portuguese Navy Chief of Staff. Offered in a hybrid format (online and residential), the program has 17 enrolled students from different countries in three continents: Africa (Cape Verde, Gambia and Togo), Europe (Portugal) and South America (Uruguai).
This Advanced Program focuses on the pressing issues and challenges related to maritime affairs, using teaching and research to enhance strategic thinking and action of practitioners and decision makers. It is designed for midcareer and younger professionals of the maritime sector, including navy and coast guard personnel, port administrators, legal practitioners and others.